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Entre les deux rives du printemps

Gilles Gobeil

Entre les deux rives du printemps has been performed in Berlin, Birmingham, Cologne, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Huddersfield, Karlsruhe, Leicester, Manchester, Montréal, Paris and Weimar…

Freely adapted from Paradise (Part 3 of The Divine Comedy) by Dante (1265-1321). A poem filled with speed, energy, and pure light, but also bearing a few reminiscences of earthly mistakes.

Paradise, XXX-58:

“And I with vision new rekindled me,
Such that no light whatever is so pure
But that mine eyes were fortified against it.

And light I saw in fashion of a river
Fulvid with its effulgence, ’twixt two banks
Depicted with an admirable Spring.”

Gilles Gobeil [English translation: François Couture, xi-07]

Entre les deux rives du printemps [Between the Two Banks of Spring] was realized in 2006 at the studios of the Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe (ZKM) in Germany. It premiered on December 8, 2006 during the trans_canada_release festival at the ZKM’s ZKM_Kubus. Thanks to the Canada Council for the Arts (CCA) and the ZKM for their support. Entre les deux rives du printemps was finalist in the 5th Concurso Internacional de Miniaturas Electroacústicas (2007, Huelva, Spain).


  • December 8, 2006, trans_canada_release: Gilles Gobeil, ZKM_Kubus, Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg, Germany)


5.1-channel fixed medium



Date Work Programme
May 4, 2008 Gilles Gobeil, Entre les deux rives du printemps (2006), 18:08 Avaruusromua / Yle Radio 1 (Finland)
May 11, 2008 Gilles Gobeil, Entre les deux rives du printemps (2006), 18:08 Yle Radio 1 (Finland)
July 16, 2008 Gilles Gobeil, Entre les deux rives du printemps (2006), 18:08 Solénoïde (France)
January 26, 2009 Gilles Gobeil, Entre les deux rives du printemps (2006), 18:08 Outsight (USA)
February 1, 2009 Gilles Gobeil, Entre les deux rives du printemps (2006), 18:08 CKLN 88.1 FM (Canada)
February 12, 2009 Gilles Gobeil, Entre les deux rives du printemps (2006), 18:08 The Signal / CBC Radio (Canada)
May 12, 2009 Gilles Gobeil, Entre les deux rives du printemps (2006), 18:08 Folio / NPS Radio 4 (Netherlands)
June 13, 2016 Gilles Gobeil, Entre les deux rives du printemps (2006), 18:08 Les territoires du son / Radio Saint Ferréol (France)
September 21, 2019 Gilles Gobeil, Entre les deux rives du printemps (2006), 18:08 Radio Horizon 93.9 FM (South Africa)
April 4, 2021 Gilles Gobeil, Entre les deux rives du printemps (2006), 18:08 Sonorama / Radio Campus Orléans 88.3 FM (France)